Just a boy and his dog looking for adventure. That’s how River and I spent this past weekend. With only two days to our avail, the 6 hour trip to Moab may not have seemed worth it to most people. And when you consider that by my usual standards, we barely did anything there with […]
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Arkansas River Adventures

With the summer of 2014 slowly waning, I decided to get out on some of the classic runs of the Arkansas River before the AHRA turned off the spigot. And to shake things up a bit, I invited a group of friends of Kelly’s and mine who wouldn’t ordinarily get a chance to paddle Brown’s […]
Arkansas River, raftingMain Salmon River Rafting Trip

“Take the oars!”, I shouted to Kelly just moments before leaping from our raft onto the blue ghost ship that was careening out of control down the river toward Split Rock Rapid. Thirty seconds prior, a monstrous, ten foot high wave capsized the leader of our trip along with his crew of three and dog […]
Main Salmon River, raftingBig Sur Wave

Every once in a great while, the Colorado mountains accumulate snowpack much greater than the annual average and when the snow begins to melt, the creeks, streams, and rivers swell to peak run off heights piquing my hopes for a very special whitewater phenomenon. As each creek and river feeds into the next, the volume […]
Big Sur, kayakPine Creek Canyoneering

With our Grand Canyon trip just a day in our past, we opted for a little more adventure before heading back to our normal routines in Colorado. Peter has spent an enormous amount of time exploring and climbing through Zion National Park, and he couldn’t wait to share one of his favorite places with us. […]
canyoneering, Pine Creek, ZionGrand Canyon Self-Support Kayak Trip

The repeated beeping penetrated the cloudy, inner depths of my slumber, and I instinctually reached to the side to turn off the alarm. Fumbling in the darkness, I couldn’t understand why the alarm persisted despite numerous attempts to silence the device. Slowly, my mind and eyes adapted to the situation around me, and I came […]
Grand Canyon, self-supportInto the Canyon

Early on February 16, 2014, six whitewater kayaks will cast off from the shores of Lee’s Ferry onto the Colorado River. Each 10 foot long Jackson Rogue will carry a paddler, food, and equipment deep into the bowels of the earth for 13 days and 280 miles. The experiences of this small band of adventurers […]
Grand CanyonTurbo Weekend

In May of 2011 amid rainy weather that was foretelling of the epic kayaking season that was soon to come, I huddled under a tarp in my condo’s parking lot covered in a combination of grease and rain. I systematically worked away on my 1985 VW Vanagon removing one component at a time and replacing […]
Bostig, Turbo WeekendRoad Trip 2013: Montana

In the 15 days I had been traveling through Wyoming and Idaho, one thing had remained constant—it had not rained a drop. Not only that, but I can barely recall even seeing any clouds during those two weeks. So when the concussive thunder clapped at 4am near Lolo Pass, my sudden awakening could not have […]
kayak, road trip 2013Road Trip 2013: Lochsa River

The following day, I bid adieu to the Holcombe’s and motored north through a pastoral landscape that was more reminiscent of Upstate New York than the Rocky Mountain West. In contrast to the massive ranches of Colorado, the green, rolling, Idahoan fields were parceled into manageable family homesteads and punctuated by the archetypical wooden barn. […]
kayak, road trip 2013