For just over a year now, I’ve been doing yoga on a weekly basis. When I first began, I was confident in my strength and balance but was sorely lacking in flexibility. I’ve noticed that as I get older, my body has gotten progressively stiffer as I’ve settled into a few distinct physical habits—namely, sitting […]
NASA JSC Tour in Houston

Every job has its ups and downs. In my own career at LASP, I’ve experienced tremendous success as the Flight Controller for the SORCE satellite launch in 2003, which was then followed by the horrible tragedy when the Glory satellite failed to reach orbit in 2011. And last year, I was completely awed when I […]
Glory, NASA, TCTE, TSISFamily Reunion 2014

It doesn’t happen often, but it’s always great when the whole Brown family gets together for a family reunion. This year was particularly great from my perspective, since I got to introduce everyone to Kelly. Here are a few photos I took over the course of the weekend: Click here to open the Family Reunion […]
familyArkansas River Adventures

With the summer of 2014 slowly waning, I decided to get out on some of the classic runs of the Arkansas River before the AHRA turned off the spigot. And to shake things up a bit, I invited a group of friends of Kelly’s and mine who wouldn’t ordinarily get a chance to paddle Brown’s […]
Arkansas River, raftingMain Salmon River Rafting Trip

“Take the oars!”, I shouted to Kelly just moments before leaping from our raft onto the blue ghost ship that was careening out of control down the river toward Split Rock Rapid. Thirty seconds prior, a monstrous, ten foot high wave capsized the leader of our trip along with his crew of three and dog […]
Main Salmon River, raftingBig Sur Wave

Every once in a great while, the Colorado mountains accumulate snowpack much greater than the annual average and when the snow begins to melt, the creeks, streams, and rivers swell to peak run off heights piquing my hopes for a very special whitewater phenomenon. As each creek and river feeds into the next, the volume […]
Big Sur, kayakGoodbye to the Van

For the past six years, my 1985 VW Vanagon Westfalia has been my traveling companion. I piled my kayaks and River Dog inside and hit the road in pursuit of whitewater adventures around Colorado and our great country. To get the old van roadworthy and up to my modern standards, I spent countless hours on […]
VanagonLED Perimeter Lights

I always wished for better lighting when backing up my van at night, and last summer I built a custom system that provided that and much more. In addition to wanting reverse lighting, I wanted the ability to light up the area around my van while driving or in camp or while loading kayaking gear […]
LED lights, Smart Switch, Vanagon, Westfalia