With the launch of my new website, I thought it would be worth it to quickly describe which software tools I’m using to produce the content that I post on patrickbrown.org. This is an always changing topic, but given my transition to professional quality tools in the past year, I thought it would be worth […]
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Posts tagged "web"
My New WordPress Site

Welcome to my new website that is built on the WordPress.org framework! I’ve spent the past two weeks migrating my old Blogger-based blog into a brand-new, from-the-bottom-up site built in WordPress. There are a multitude of reasons to use WordPress instead of Blogger that generally relate to powerful customization, but my primary reason for switching […]
digital, webJAlbum Usage
Today, there are more ways to share photos online than ever before, from Facebook to Flickr to Picassa to Snapfish and literally hundreds of more options. However, almost all of these online photo sharing tools have a few negative aspects in common. First and foremost, the provider of the tool makes the rules. That means […]
digital, photography, webGoogle Earth Network Links
Embedded Google Earth
Edit 5/21/2009: The G.E. plugin is killing performance on my PC and since it wasn’t too impressive, I have removed it from this post. It is now incredibly easy to embed Google Earth into a blog or website, with the results that you see (maybe) below. However, I’m not sure how effective of a tool […]
digital, mapping, webGeotagging Photos using RoboGeo
Geotagging is basically the process of associating location with photographs and can be accomplished in many ways. I have developed a process using a commercial product called RoboGEO that not only geotags the photos, but also creates KMZ files that allow the photos and associated GPS data to be viewed in Google Earth. Here is […]
digital, gps, mapping, photos, webWhy "digital. stories."?
If you have wondered why my blog is titled, “digital. stories. by Patrick Brown“, this stream of consciousness may provide some answers. Digital data may be used as a means of telling stories. Dumping a bunch of photos on the web tells a story about as well as dumping of bunch of random words on […]
digital, ramblings, webJunction Link Magic
One of the great capabilities that I have used in Unix that does not exist for the average user in Microsoft Windows is the ability to create symbolic links between files or folders. Basically, these links can be thought of as shortcuts from one file or folder to another. For example, I might have a […]
digital, webIPTC Metadata
Interesting topic, huh? It turns out that metadata is one of things that is quietly in the background making things more efficient and productive without you ever knowing it. Every time you take a digital photograph, information is stored in an EXIF header that includes the camera settings (shutter speed, exposure time, flash, etc.) and […]
digital, photography, webImmersive Images
Today’s technology blows my mind. Not only are digital cameras so pervasive that they are found in almost every cell phone, but the quality of digital photographs and the methods of presentation are amazing. I have noticed a recent trend that is attempting and largely succeeding at treating the viewer as more than a mere, […]
digital, mapping, photography, web