On the morning of January 6, 2013, I loaded my kayak on the frosty roof of my Westfalia van and headed south to Golden, CO. When I arrived at the whitewater playpark, I was greeted by a barely flowing and nearly iced over Clear Creek that certainly would not float a boat. But that was […]
Road Trip 2013: Montana

In the 15 days I had been traveling through Wyoming and Idaho, one thing had remained constant—it had not rained a drop. Not only that, but I can barely recall even seeing any clouds during those two weeks. So when the concussive thunder clapped at 4am near Lolo Pass, my sudden awakening could not have […]
kayak, road trip 2013Road Trip 2013: Lochsa River

The following day, I bid adieu to the Holcombe’s and motored north through a pastoral landscape that was more reminiscent of Upstate New York than the Rocky Mountain West. In contrast to the massive ranches of Colorado, the green, rolling, Idahoan fields were parceled into manageable family homesteads and punctuated by the archetypical wooden barn. […]
kayak, road trip 2013Road Trip 2013: Kelly’s Whitewater Park

Kelly’s, as it is colloquially known, is a flagship example of a whitewater kayaking park. It is named for the benefactor’s sister who died in a car crash at a young age. I am not certain why they chose to create a whitewater park in her honor, but I am certain that it is a […]
kayak, road trip 2013Road Trip 2013: Sweltering in Idaho

One of River’s dog bowls was riding shotgun in the van with an old black sock draped over its edge dripping water onto the carpet. Just moments prior, I dipped the sock into the bowl’s water and used it as a makeshift washcloth to soak my shirtless body with moisture that evaporated in just a […]
kayak, road trip 2013Phantom Video Contest Entry!

UPDATE 7/31/2013: I didn’t win the contest, but I had a lot of fun trying and really appreciate all the publicity I got for the video! Please help me win a video contest being put on by DJI, the makers of my Phantom quadcopter! Just click on the link below and press the Thumbs Up/Like […]
kayak, PhantomRoadtrip 2013: A Week in Wyoming

After a week and 1000 miles of driving, I was still only one state away from home. And despite my skin being fully covered in sweat, dirt, and dog hair, I was definitely living the dream. The road trip began inconspicuously with a Sunday trip to the Poudre River near Ft Collins, CO. But after […]
WyomingUpper Animas River Trip

The Upper Animas River is considered by many kayakers to be the most scenic and worthy stretch of whitewater in the state of Colorado. After its beginnings at 9300 feet in the historic mining town of Silverton, the river gains speed as it descends 2800 feet on it course to Durango. The mountain river is […]
kayak, Upper Animas RiverAerial Photography in Buena Vista

I spent this Memorial Weekend in Buena Vista, CO with a big group of friends. We all crashed at our friend’s house that is affectionately known as Dalton Ranch, and in between kayaking the Arkansas River, mountain biking, and BBQing, I got some flight time on my new Phantom quadcopter. I wanted to capture the […]
Arkansas River, Buena Vista, DJI Phantom, GoPro, Phantom, quadcopterPhantom Quadcopter

It appears as a UFO to the uninitiated and it is only somewhat of this world—it is a Phantom. The Phantom quadcopter produced by DJI Innovations is the first high-quality, medium-cost consumer quadcopter to come to market. There have been other high-end multirotor aircraft available for the past 5 or so years, but with costs […]
DJI Phantom, drone, GoPro, Phantom, quadcopter, uav