It has been a year since my first foray into Gore Canyon which also marked my 100th day of kayaking last season, and on Saturday, 9/15/2012, I had my second opportunity to paddle the majestic canyon. An abysmal snowpack and extreme drought resulted in the worst kayaking season in a decade, so when we began […]
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Posts tagged "outdoors"
See You on the Flipside

Today marks the 2011 Winter Solstice which means the days are getting longer in the U.S., but in my case, the days are about to get much longer. Rather than a paltry 10 hours of daylight per day, starting today I am embarking on a journey that will be providing continuous, 24 hour-per-day sunlight! If […]
Antarctica, digital, New Zealand, outdoors, SPOT2011 Summer Recap
We all knew that 2011 would be a year for the record books in the Colorado kayaking world, but none of use knew exactly how it would turn out. After an absolute whirlwind the past several months, I finally have a few moments to recap some of the most memorable trips from this exciting kayaking […]
kayak, outdoors, photos, video100 Days of Whitewater
Challenges define who we are in life. Whether they are brought about from unforeseen external circumstances or are conjured in the imagination on a snowy night, challenges take us to places that test our character. And the way we respond to these tests ultimately shapes the people we become. In some circumstances, we succumb to […]
kayak, outdoors, photos, ramblings, storiesTour d’Ark Follow Along
This Thursday morning, I will begin 5 days of whitewater kayaking with several friends down the Arkansas River in Colorado starting on the Granite section and ending in Canon City almost 100 miles later. The trip was dreamt up by Scott Winkleman as a perfect way to see all of the whitewater sections of the […]
mapping, outdoors, SPOTGates of Lodore Follow Along
On Saturday, June 19, I will embark with my friends on a 4 day whitewater trip down the Green River through the Gates of Lodore in Dinosaur National Monument! This is a wonderful trip through desert country in northwest Colorado that is sure to be a good time! As I’ve done in the past, I […]
mapping, outdoors, SPOTMemorial Weekend Kayaking
What better way to kick off meteorological summer than a long weekend of kayaking? A bunch of us headed out to Glenwood Springs over Memorial weekend 2010 to catch the run off on the Roaring Fork and Colorado Rivers and we had an incredible time! The excitement started early in the trip when the van […]
kayak, outdoors, stories, videoConfluence Surf Session
You might think the South Platte River that runs through downtown Denver is dirty. And you’d be right, which is exactly why I had always avoided kayaking the whitewater drops in Confluence Park. But yesterday, the spring rains had flushed most of the junk way down river (or so I told myself), and the waves […]
kayak, outdoors, stories, videoPole Pedal Paddle
What do you get when you strap a camera to a ski pole, then to mountain bike handle bars, and then kayak one handed so you can film the river? You get my decidedly “recreational” entry in the 2010 Salida Pole Pedal Paddle race and you get a fun, first person view of the race […]
mapping, outdoors, stories, videoGunny Gorge
Labor Day weekend in Gunny Gorge. What could be better? I’ll tell you what, not a whole lot. I have to thank Scott for conceiving of and organizing this really cool self-support, overnight kayak trip through Gunny Gorge. In addition to those responsibilities, he also carried all of the group gear and food in his […]
kayak, mapping, outdoors, stories