While there are many unique aspects of the Antarctic environment, one of the most interesting that it shares with the northern pole is its preponderance of sunshine during the summer months. For the majority of people who have spent their entire lives in the mid-latitudes with its daily cycle of light and dark, it is […]
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Posts tagged "photography"
Time Lapse Photography

To continue with my recent theme of technology articles, it seems appropriate to touch on another interesting photographic method– time lapses. You’ve seen them on TV more times than you can count, but I doubt you have ever created one. Depending on the hardware you have, it may be a simple or complex endeavor, but […]
digital, photography, videoPanorama Creation
We’ve all seen beautiful panoramic photos that capture sweeping landscapes and have probably experienced 3D tours on real estate websites that let you look in different directions around the rooms of the house. Although these technologies are widespread, they are not widely used by the layperson to share their own experiences of the world. Given […]
digital, photographyJAlbum Usage
Today, there are more ways to share photos online than ever before, from Facebook to Flickr to Picassa to Snapfish and literally hundreds of more options. However, almost all of these online photo sharing tools have a few negative aspects in common. First and foremost, the provider of the tool makes the rules. That means […]
digital, photography, webTethered Balloon Flight
My interest in flying a tethered balloon with a camera system started back in July of 2006. Since then, I designed and built a sophisticated camera system, purchased a 7 foot diameter helium balloon, and have talked about flying it over Boulder to take aerial photographs. Almost 4 years have passed with enough yak shaving […]
balloon, digital, photography, storiesKite Aerial Photography
What to do on a windy April day in Colorado? How about flying a kite high above an office building with a camera dangling precariously on the kite line in a poor man’s attempt to take some cool photos? That’s exactly what Lars and I did yesterday in my first foray into Kite Aerial Photography […]
photography, storiesGoing UP Tomorrow!
UPDATE! 9:36am- Up, up, and away! Tomorrow morning at approximately 8am MST, a weather balloon with my modified Canon SD800is, my SPOT GPS transmitter, and my Garmin Vista Cx will voyage to the edge of space! The idea belonged to my colleagues Sam and Lars, and was soon added to my list of resolutions. After […]
digital, gps, photography, SPOT, storiesIPTC Metadata
Interesting topic, huh? It turns out that metadata is one of things that is quietly in the background making things more efficient and productive without you ever knowing it. Every time you take a digital photograph, information is stored in an EXIF header that includes the camera settings (shutter speed, exposure time, flash, etc.) and […]
digital, photography, webImmersive Images
Today’s technology blows my mind. Not only are digital cameras so pervasive that they are found in almost every cell phone, but the quality of digital photographs and the methods of presentation are amazing. I have noticed a recent trend that is attempting and largely succeeding at treating the viewer as more than a mere, […]
digital, mapping, photography, web