For the second Saturday in a row, I had some fun mounting my new GoPro Hero2 onto something unique in order to capture a cool vantage point. This time, I attached the camera to my stock Bixler remote control (RC) airplane and launched it into the wild blue yonder! If it seems like I’ve done […]
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GoPro Hero2 camera

I finally bought a GoPro helmet camera and have been dying to try it out. Unfortunately, it’s been a little too chilly to kayak and I’m not quite ready to mount it on my RC plane or quadcopter, but I’ve always wondered how River Dog sees the world. So this morning I had a little […]
digital, GoPro, videoTime Lapse Photography

To continue with my recent theme of technology articles, it seems appropriate to touch on another interesting photographic method– time lapses. You’ve seen them on TV more times than you can count, but I doubt you have ever created one. Depending on the hardware you have, it may be a simple or complex endeavor, but […]
digital, photography, videoPanorama Creation
We’ve all seen beautiful panoramic photos that capture sweeping landscapes and have probably experienced 3D tours on real estate websites that let you look in different directions around the rooms of the house. Although these technologies are widespread, they are not widely used by the layperson to share their own experiences of the world. Given […]
digital, photographyVideo Editing Software Comparison
As part of my effort to explore the many ways that digital media can be used to share stories, I have invested considerable time and energy creating small videos that I have posted to my YouTube channel. These videos have ranged from my favorite clip of a humpback whale to Gumby flying my RC plane […]
digital, ramblings, videoWestfalia Battery Monitor V1.0

It began with a sketch on a whiteboard just under a year ago, and today the device is functioning beautifully in my van. Granted, I only worked on this project for about 2 weeks last year before kayaking dragged me away from it and during the past 2 weeks, but it is still gratifying to […]
digital, van, video, WestfaliaJAlbum Usage
Today, there are more ways to share photos online than ever before, from Facebook to Flickr to Picassa to Snapfish and literally hundreds of more options. However, almost all of these online photo sharing tools have a few negative aspects in common. First and foremost, the provider of the tool makes the rules. That means […]
digital, photography, webGlory goodbye.
From Main Entry: disappointment Part of Speech: noun Definition: saddening situation; letdown Synonyms: bitter pill, blind alley, blow, blunder, bringdown,bummer, bust, calamity, defeat, disaster,discouragement, downer, downfall, drag, dud,error, failure, false alarm, faux pas*, fiasco,fizzle, flash in the pan, impasse, inefficacy,lemon, miscalculation, mischance, misfortune,mishap, mistake, obstacle, old one-two, setback,slip, washout The “old one-two”. Yup, that’s […]
Glory, stories, videoCalifornia Road Trip
It seems that about every two years, I find cause to pack up my car and road trip half way across the country. It first began with my life changing 2 month tour of the West in 1999, then the big move to Boulder in 2001, followed by a quick jaunt to Yosemite in 2003, […]
Glory, kayak, photos, storiesGlory Launch Delay
Sometimes, things just don’t go as planned. Such has been the case with NASA’s Glory mission throughout its long development cycle. Throughout the 7 years that I have worked on the project, the setbacks have been formidable but somehow the team of dedicated people have overcome the odds. The mission was finally scheduled to launch […]
Glory, stories